Google Windows 8:Redesigned chkdsk and the new NTFS health model

May 22, 2012

Windows 8:Redesigned chkdsk and the new NTFS health model

Windows 8 is revamped with the update and redesign of Windows regular chkdsk and NTFS health model.The core concept is to reduce the offline time to solve a disk corruption.

Old chkdsk and NTFS model was simpler.When a disk corruption occurred NTFS would run chkdsk to solve this,isolate and correct the errors.While doing this error checking and isolating system had to run offline,that is user can not do anything else.

As chdsk off line running time was proportional to the volume of files in the corrupted area,offline running time was high.

New chkdsk and Refs-Resilient File System(replacing old NTFS) model is introduced ,to solve disk corruption mostly in online,.Now the disk checking and isolating  is  done mostly in online so that  user can still use the system

Plus chdsk off line running time is now proportional to the number of errors in the corrupted area thus offline running time is fewer seconds.

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