Google "Like " is now a name-A couple named their children as "Like"

Jun 15, 2011

"Like " is now a name-A couple named their children as "Like"

An Israeli couple named their baby girl as "Like".This led the vast criticism among online community.

People are virtually divided in to two parts in this topic.Many people admire this and other calling it as publicity stance.

Lior and Vardit Adler wanted to call their daughter "something unique," Given newer developments at Facebook, one wonders if the Adlers' next child may be named "Send."

In fact this is not the first naming of children weird ,naming with the brand or corporation-

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In February of this year an Egyptian couple named their daughter as "Facebook"

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A few years back a one Swedish couple named their son Oliver Google Kai.

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Also a Romanian girl was named as Yahoo , But this was reasonable as her parents first met over internet by yahoo.

There are also other naming of children like Apple , Cisco , Norton , Mac ,
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