Google Importance of title tag for better SEO rankings-SEO tips

Oct 10, 2010

Importance of title tag for better SEO rankings-SEO tips

This is a real fact and always will be in case of web development.Title of a page is the first important thing for SEO or search engine optimization.

It does not mean that you need to apply special tricks to get it ,all you need to be a little bit of carefull and tactful to choose the words for title than its done.

Importance Title tag optimization for top or high search engine placement or ranking

According to W3org (official authority for web development) every webpage must contain a title.
To declare a a title we use the html title tag.

According to top search engine  like GOOGLE,YAHOO,BING title of a webpage is vital atleast they consider it to index.Thus title affects both the visitor and the search engine.

Below I shall explain the two factors -visitor and search engine ,but before take a look of the screenshot .

About the screenshot

  • This screen shot is the search result in GOOGLE search.
  • Follow it-my search term was " Seo tips"
  • The top three result's title contains the search terms or keywords and they are highlighted automatically.

SEO optimized Title helps top search rankings in two way

1. Impact on search engines-

Top search engines like GOOGLE ,YAHOO,BING officially declares the importance of title content relevant to the content of the page.
That is if the main content of your page is relevent to the tile then its sugar.
When the crawler index page content ,it first index the title -and on the basis of the title it assumes the  subject matter of the rest of the content.

2. Impact on visitor

In search engine result page the title is shown first then the description.

Your webpage in the top search rankings does not mean that there will be visitor to search result page there will be other website's result too.You will have to compete with them.

look the screen shot I had took,the titles are of bold and larger font.

The visitor will look at the title first ,and if you provide an attractive and killer title -then visitor will click to visit or will read the description below the title.

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